5 Unknown Tips And Tricks For A Professional Home Interior Design Dubai

5 Unknown Tips And Tricks For A Professional Home Interior Design Dubai

Do you also wish you knew all the top-secret tips that only a professional knows for creating a brilliant home interior design Dubai. So that you could get the same professional finish and effect in your home design too? Well, if this is what you are wishing for, then consider it granted. Since Zarqaa interior fit-out, being a professional home designer itself has decided to disclose a few insider tips to help you plan and perform a home interior design just like an expert does. 

Five Secret Tips And Tricks For Home Interior Design Dubai  

  1. Order Samples First 

Home Interior Design Dubai

Though it has been long enough since this secret “sample” tip got discovered by the public, it is still worth listing here. As it helps all the professionals like us to make unfailing decisions while planning a home interior design Dubai. So before we get to finalize anything, such as flooring, wallpaper, or even paints, we always order sample firsts, and then only we suggest to you. 


As it is not always right to say that a shade might look the same on your wall as it looks in a shade card and the same goes for other things. Hence, it is a tip that we use to make sure the quality and shade of a particular product before we purchase it in bulk. 

  1. Follow The 70/30 Rule For A Home Interior Design Dubai 

Home Interior Design Dubai

The 70/30 rule is also known as the 70/30 split rule. It is one of the best tricks used by professionals to balance out two contrary themes together for a promising home interior design Dubai. Which is in fact a difficult task to carry out successfully. People either overplay one theme in design. Which leaves little or no sign of the second theme and looks really bland. Or, they display both themes in an equal ratio which looks super distracting.

  1. Tint The Base Primer 

While painting is a crucial aspect of every home interior design Dubai. People often seem to be doing it on their own. To them, it seems like an easy task. But the result never satisfies them. Or they end up applying too many coats of paint to conceal an old color. To cope with a similar situation. Here’s a professional secret tip. Which is to have the primer tinted with a similar shade of the topcoat paint. This way you can avoid applying layers of paint onto the wall to get the desired color while successfully hiding the previous one. 

  1. Do The Same Flooring

Although using a light shade of paint is a known practice among people to make small houses look bigger. But there are other ways too of achieving the same effect. Such as using mirrors, using vertical space, etc. Similarly, there is one more way that professionals use and don’t talk much about. Which is the use of the same flooring throughout the house to create an illusion of space. Hence you can use the same if you are also struggling with making a small space seem bigger.

  1. Use The Rule Of Three In Home Interior Design Dubai

While listing different secrets that only experts know, last in the list is the rule of three. Which is an important number for home interior design Dubai. Since decoration is an important feature for all houses. Hence clustering them in a number of three or any other odd number can naturally create symmetry and interest in the design. Such as fixing three hanging lights, using three different colors together, or three windows in the design. 


We believe each one of us has a great passion to design and decorate our houses just like a professional does. But due to being inexperienced and even after putting in efforts, we often fail to achieve the desired results. Hence Zarqaa interior fitout revealed a few secret tips above. That will surely help you plan your home interior design Dubai in a much professional way without having to redo it. 

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